Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Week 5 - Back to Life, Back to Reality...

Time on the Dr. Poon Metabolic Diet:  5 weeks (including vacation)
Weight lost this week:  None (3 pounds gained, about 2 of those lost to date)
Total loss to date:  13 pounds

Hey all!  I'm back in cold Toronto after having a fantastic vacation in Florida.  My husband and I had an amazing time.  I spent just about every day either by the pool or on the beach.  I came back with a sunburn but it was pretty much worth it.  We got back on Thursday and I got back into the swing of the diet on Sunday.

Forgive me friends, for I have sinned.  I went against my own intentions and broke the diet while I was on vacation.  I didn't go off plan for cheating's sake (promise!).  I actually wanted to see how long it would take for the weight to start coming back on if I went back to my pre-Poon life.  I didn't totally let myself go, but I allowed myself to eat what I wanted for one meal a day.  Boy, did those carbs taste like sweet poison. 

I gained three pounds while on vacation, which was depressing, but the good Doctor's book is right - the gain was mostly water.  I've already dropped two of those three pounds and I'm safely back in ketosis.  I had to be really strict on Sunday and Monday though.  At the end of the day, I am now only 0.6 pounds away from being right where I was before I left for vacation.  That ain't bad.

Last week I got an e-mail from a reader who told me that she let herself go back to regular eating after she met her goal of 55 pounds of loss, only to have gained back 35 of it in just a few months.  First of all, to that reader, thanks for being so honest.  We're only human, and you're strong enough to get back on track.  Second, that e-mail and my vacation experience gave me a new pearl to share with you.

This week's pearl:  We can't go back to eating the way we did before we started Dr. Poon's plan after we reach our goals.  Sucks, but we can't.  We'll gain the weight back.  Our bodies obviously didn't like the way we were eating before, which is why we ended up with the weight problems.  This is a complete lifestyle change, not a "diet".  Look at it this way - our relationship to food was toxic before we started the plan, and nobody wants to go back to a toxic relationship, right?

One more thing - have you guys checked out the Low-Carb Grocery Store?  There's one in Markham and you can also buy their products online.  GREAT place and way more selection than at Dr. Poon's office.  The prices really aren't that bad either.  You can find it online at http://www.thelowcarbgrocery.com/.  Let me know what you think of it!

That's it for this entry.  I'll check in next week and hopefully I'll have broken the 15-pound mark.  Good luck everyone, and keep the comments and e-mails coming!  ;)

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